First post

Well my website is finally up and running!

I would like to thank a few people for helping me get the website going, especially Anita. It ended up being so much more involved than I initially thought. There were quite a few weekends taking photos all over the place, setting up stands and positioning axe boxes. Hahaha what an ordeal.

Also thank you to my proof readers and test shoppers, Anita Carlisle, Kris Brown, Laurence O'Toole, Brett Cole and Nina Pokoyski. I received some great feedback from everyone.

Thank you to everyone for checking it out and I hope you like some of my products. At least now everyone can get a bit more of an idea about what I manufacture.

I would love to hear any feedback from anyone OR suggestions about any of my products. As an engineer I value feedback very highly. The only way I have been able to constantly improve my axe boxes and stands over the past 5 years is by all the suggestions and ideas from the axe men and women that use them. 

